Friday, July 22, 2016

Office Elders

It is hard to be an Office Elder, there is a lot of extra work. Like carrying about 25 boxes of Church manuals and books to the Church building for Seminary and Institute.
  But there are perks too - like when Hermana Haws brings in a batch of homemade freshly baked Chocolate Chip cookies!!  They were a first for some of the Elders and a much needed reminder of home for others, but they were adored by all.
 President Haws, Elder Davis, Elder Herrera

  President Haws, Elder Davis, Elder Herrera,
Elder Hernandez and Elder Beal

Elder Moreno, Elder Herrera, Elder Davis, Elder Beal
Elder Sanchez and Elder Hernandez


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    2. Perdón por borrar tantos comentarios algo sucede que me cambia el texto.
      Gracias por esas galletitas, a mi hijo le encantaron, fue un detalle genial. Gracias hermana Haws por ello. Soy madre del elder Herrera
