Thursday, May 4, 2017

April's Circle of Mission Life

April 24th was the day of changes in the Mission, the transfers of the missionaries that are here; the group of missionaries that left to go home; and the new group that arrived from the CCM, in the Mexico Villahermosa Mission.

We said goodbye to Elder Cuellar on Friday and then to three more Elders at the Leaving Dinner and Fireside; Elder Moya, Elder Torres and Elder Hancock. Then on Monday morning we sent them up the escalator and then turned around to the glass doors that open from the baggage claim and in came our 5 new missionaries - straight from the CCM, tired and hungry, but eager to get started with the work!

Us with Elder Cuellar at the Mission Office

Farewell Dinner and Fireside at the Mission Home
Us with Elder Moya, Hancock and Torres

The current Assistants, Elder Piña and Elder Gramajo
with President and former AP  Elder Hancock

The final Farewell at the airport

Elder Hancock was in the Office
with us for 6 months, he helped
me a lot, Thanks Elder Hancock!
And yes he is that tall and yes I
am that short!

And up the escalator he goes!

Elder Moya and Elder Torres

Up the escalator they go!

Our new group of missionaries!  Elders Villaseñor,
Alcalá, De Leon, Diaz and Taylor-Jones

The new missionaries meet their companions,
Elder Taylor-Jones with Elder Knudsen
Elder Echeverria with Elder Villaseñor

President Haws and the Assistants announce their
companions and assignment areas and explain
the Mission and show the areas on the map.

Elder Hernandez with Elder Alcalá


  1. This reminds me of how I grow to know and love my students during a semester, and then they are gone and a new, unknown group comes in. And it happens semester after semester after semester. Not quite the intensity of sending your missionaries home after they've been with you for a year or two, but a taste of it.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. We love reading your blog. I haven't seen anything new for a month and am so anxious to hear about what's going on in the mission and see more photos of my son. I've been following your blog since we found out our son would be serving with you! Love all the info and photos. We totally need the updates!!

    1. Brother Taylor-Jones- Thank you for your words of encouragement! I will be updating with many posts for the last month soon. We have been so busy with Zone Conferences and Stake Conferences. Sorry for the gap, but this week there will be more. I just had a wonderful visit with your son today in the Mission Office, he is terrific and glowing. He loves his mission and he loves it here in Mexico!
